About LexQuire

Our specialists are there for you. Our team consists of notaries, international lawyers and tax advisers. Our professionals know each other, complement each other well and work closely together in case necessary. With our one-stop-shop approach and international perspective, we are able to deliver the best result for you as quickly as possible.

Our approach

Every case and every client deserves and receives an appropriate and unique approach. In order to achieve the intended result, we always search for the best solution for your situation in close consultation with you. Depending on the nature and complexity of your situation, we put together an (international) multidisciplinary team. We seek complete solutions for all your legal and tax issues.

If your case requires it, we work together with professional partners, such as auditors or (forensic) accountants.

LexQuire’s offices in Europe

Our international orientation gives our professionals extensive knowledge of private international law and the law on both sides of the border. In addition, we have a large international network of professional partners at our disposal. LexQuire provides complete and high quality legal and tax services regarding your cross-border matters.

Trade names and affiliates

LexQuire is the umbrella trade name of LexQuire LLP and its affiliated LexQuire Germany LLP. Both partnerships are independent legal entities that participate in the legal process as such.