
Oude Groeniger

partner (tax advisor)

T: +31 43 711 22 07

Frodo Oude Groeniger

Frodo Oude Groeniger specialises in national and international tax law. His tax advice includes cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A), restructurings, joint ventures, real estate, disputes with the tax authorities, transfer pricing and EU regulations.

A true all-rounder, he advises multinationals, medium-sized companies, as well as large family businesses and high net worth individuals. Frodo translates complicated tax matters into understandable language for the entrepreneur. He easily sees through complex matters and gets to the bottom of problems. He is a networker with an analytical mind, flexible and great at problem-solving.

Frodo has more than 25 years of experience as a tax specialist at Big 4 and niche firms working for both national and international clients. He is very versatile and always tries to achieve the best result for his clients.

Frodo is a member of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB), the professional association of university-trained tax advisers.


  • Dutch
  • English
  • German


  • Business Management at the Hanze University Groningen
  • Tax law at the University of Groningen
  • Business Law at the University of Groningen (prop.)
  • Post doctoral vocational training Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs (NOB). Every NOB member must maintain his professional knowledge and developments in his field and professional practice in such a way that the knowledge and skills required to practice his profession remain current and at an academic level. NOB members therefore have an annual Continuing Education obligation of at least 20 hours.
  • International Business Taxation course – IBFD