
The regulation of the healthcare sector covers, among other things, the rights of patients, the obligations of care providers and care institutions and the regulations regarding the quality of care. From compulsory admissions to disciplinary proceedings and from drug legislation issues to cooperation agreements between care institutions. The specialists of LexQuire will help you with all your questions on legal healthcare matters.


Developments in healthcare

As a result of the ageing population (among other things), healthcare has become increasingly expensive and complex in recent years. Partners in the healthcare sector are forced to cooperate in order to control costs as much as possible (right care in the right place, JZOJP). The problems in healthcare become visible through publicity in various media. The laws and regulations change accordingly. Medical ethics and liability play a growing role in legal healthcare matters.

The legal position and the rights of the patient have been strengthened by means of the Dutch Wet kwaliteit, klachten en geschillen zorg (Wkkgz) and the Wet op de geneeskundige behandelovereenkomst (WGBO). The right to good, safe and timely care is central in this regard.

The specialists of LexQuire can advise and assist you in procedures with respect to medical disciplinary law, patient law, liability of health care providers, tariff systems in health care and pharmaceutical law (amongst others). The multitude and complexity of laws and regulations for the healthcare sector will be placed in the right perspective for you. You will know exactly where you stand.

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