Family office legal services

At LexQuire, our family office lawyers and family business advisors provide expert guidance for managing and transferring family assets. Whether you are continuing a family business or planning for the next generation, we are your trusted partner in family office law.

Family office advisors

You have built considerable assets through your business and are planning to continue the family business. You wish to pass it on to the next generation in a structured and tax-efficient manner. At LexQuire, we take care of everything. From family law to financial and tax matters, our family office law firm provides a comprehensive solution for managing your wealth and ensuring a seamless transition for future generations.

Family estate planning

The family office of LexQuire offers comprehensive support on estate planning. We coordinate with your accountant and tax advisor to ensure seamless management of your financial and legal family affairs. Our team will advise and guide you through:

  • Business transfers
  • Coordinating prenuptial agreements
  • Drafting wills and other essential legal arrangements

Even if you are not an entrepreneur, we can assist you in transferring your assets to the next generation in a tax-friendly and structured way. LexQuire’s family office is your trusted contact for estate planning and family tax matters. Get your tailored legal advice on managing your family assets today.

International and multidisciplinary advice

Our family law specialists are fluent in Dutch, German, Spanish, French, Romanian and English, both in speaking and in writing, ensuring clear communication and a deep understanding of your needs.

If your family situation requires it, our lawyers and civil law notaries will work closely with our tax specialists to offer a multidisciplinary approach to estate planning. Good estate planning involves a combination of:

  • Inheritance law
  • Matrimonial property law
  • Tax law (including inheritance tax, gift tax and corporate tax)

Through our extensive international network of lawyers, notaries, accountants, financial advisors, and other professional partners, we provide a one-stop-shop for your family matters.

Would you like to meet one of our family office lawyers or civil law notaries? Please feel free to contact LexQuire.

Key Family Office Advisors