Employment and Pension Lawyers

Today, developments in the labour market are fast-paced and agile. Employment law is dynamic, constantly adapting alongside societal changes. As a result, regulations concerning sick leave, pensions, dismissals or other employment law matters change frequently. The employment law specialists at LexQuire are here to guide you through these (changing) employment law regulations, whether domestic or international.

Litigation or settlement

Do you have a pressing employment law question or face a potential dispute, including cross-border issues? The employment lawyers at LexQuire are ready to assist you at the earliest stage. Our approach is solution-focused. During the advisory phase, we strive to resolve your dispute amicably via mediation to help you avoid lengthy and costly legal proceedings. An early settlement also increases the likelihood of you being able to continue a positive working relationship. Is it not possible to reach a good solution together? Our experienced employment specialist team is at your disposal during the legal proceedings. Whether your case involves local matters or requires the expertise of international employment lawyers, LexQuire is at your service.

Pension Lawyers

Participation in an industry-wide pension fund is often mandatory for an entire sector. However, the scope provisions of compulsory participation decrees may differ from those outlined in the industry-wide collective labour agreements (CAOs). Many employers only discover their obligations after years, leading to significant financial consequences. By consulting LexQuire’s expert pension lawyers, you can proactively address these issues and avoid costly surprises.

Reorganisation, merger or acquisition

A successful reorganization, acquisition, merger or takeover starts with thorough preparation. After all, a merger or takeover can have a major impact on employees and thus cause distress within the companies involved. Additionally, works councils or employee representative bodies often need to provide advice or consent on critical matters. Good preparation, rapid exchange of information and careful planning and communication are crucial.

The employment lawyers at LexQuire bring extensive experience with both national and international mergers and acquisitions. Our team includes international employment lawyers who can provide constructive advice tailored to your strategy from the earliest stages of your plans.

We ensure compliance with your legal obligations while helping you navigate complex employment law challenges smoothly. Get in touch today to consult our top Employment and Pensions Lawyers.

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