Personal injury

Personal injury is the physical or psychological damage suffered by a victim after an accident or wrongful act. This may have been caused by a traffic accident, medical error or an accident at work. The person or organization that caused the injury is often liable for the damages.


If you have suffered personal injury, one of the most important and first steps you should take is to hold the person who caused the injury liable. Of course after you have taken care of your own (medical) well-being. Who exactly is liable depends on the specific circumstances. In the case of a traffic accident, it is often clear. In the case of an accident at work, it can sometimes be more complex, for example in cases of agency work.

The personal injury specialists at LexQuire will discuss the situation with you and get to work on the liability assessment. After that, your damages will be assessed. These may include medical expenses, wage loss, and compensation for pain and suffering.

Accident abroad

Have you suffered personal injury outside on holiday, while working abroad or otherwise in a cross-border situation? Even then the personal injury specialists at LexQuire will help you. They are familiar with the laws and regulations in international matters.

Costs of a lawyer

During the intake process, we will discuss your options and estimate whether a potential liability claim is feasible. We then immediately discuss what we can do for you. The costs of a lawyer are often part of the damage. The liable party must reimburse you for these costs. You do not need to have legal assistance insurance for this. However, this is not always the case and will be discussed with you, specifically about your case.

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