Corporate Crime

The mere suspicion of a criminal offence can have far-reaching consequences. Both legally and socially. These consequences may include image damage or having to shut down a company. Further, a conviction may lead to getting a criminal record, refusal of a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG), fines and other measures. Good and fast legal advice is thus essential.

Raid by the FIOD

In case of a raid by the FIOD (the tax information and investigation service) it is important to contact a specialised lawyer immediately. In consultation with your lawyer, a litigation strategy can be put in place. Read more about how to act in case of a raid by the FIOD.

If you are invited by the police/FIOD for an interrogation, it is also important to consult with a specialised lawyer prior to the interrogation in order to determine your defence strategy. You will then not be faced with any surprises during the interrogation by the police/FIOD. We can also assist you if you are a managing director and majority (white collar crime) suspected of an offence (e.g. forgery, fraud, embezzlement).

Lawyer (Financial Economic) Criminal Law

In addition to experience with common criminal law and traffic criminal law, the criminal lawyers of LexQuire Tax & Law have extensive experience and expertise in, among others:

  • Fraud cases
  • VAT fraud
  • Mortgage fraud
  • Bankruptcy fraud
  • Forgery of documents
  • Money laundering
  • Fiscal offences

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